23 Raids on Four Yemeni provinces

e US-Saudi warplanes   targeted four provinces in addition to Najran and Jizan with 23 raids over the past 24 hours, damaging public facilities and private property .

A military source told SABA  that the warplanes  launched four raids on the directorate of Sarawah in the province of Marib and a raid on the security  office  district in al-Bayda province .

The source pointed out that the aircraft launched two raids on al-Hali directorate and another raid   on the public road in the directorate of Hays in the province of Hodeidah .

In the province of Sa’ada, the source pointed that the aggression launched two raids on the house of a citizen ,a raid on the court building of  Baqm  directorate , two raids on the  Directorate of al-Zaher, and also launched three raids on  the directorate of Kataf.

Saudi rocket and artillery bombardment targeted different areas of Razih, Manabah and Ghamr borders directorates .

The source said that the aggression launched two raids on al-Tala position Najran and five raids on different areas in Jizan, while Apache helicopters bombed the villages of Qamar and Hamdah  with a number of rockets .