25 Citizens killed and Wounded By Saudi Raids

More than 25 citizens, including children and women, were killed and wounded in the Saudi-American air raids that targeted Sa’ada governorate during the past 24 hours. Other raids targeted the governorates of Hodeidah, Marib and Al-Jawf .

A military source told SABA  that the air force launched more than ten raids on the province of Sa’ada, where a raid targeted  a car in Razih district in the province which led to the deaths of nine citizens, including four children and two women .

The source confirmed the death  of 13 citizens and wounding three others following raids on the home of a citizen and two cars on the highway in the directorate Mnpah, another raid targeted a citizen’s car raid   on a bridge in Al-Sufra  directorate  which led to the deaths of those on board .

The source pointed out that aggression warplanes launched two raids in the directorate of Kataf  two rids  near al-Sufra directorate one of them to cut the road, launched four raids on the  directorate of Baqm and two raids  on the highway in the  district of Haidan .

Various areas of the border district  of Razih were hit by intensive rocket and Saudi artillery fire .

The source said that the  aggression launched two raids on the directorate of Sarawah in the province of Marib , three raids on the directorate of Musloub in Al-Jwaf province, and launched a raid on Hodeidah International airport .