Six Citizens Killed, Injured in Saudi Raids on Sa’ada


Al-Thawra Net

A citizen was killed and five others injured in Saudi-American aggression raids on citizens’ homes and their properties in Sa’dah province.

A security source told SABA that the aggression warplanes carried out one raid on a house in al-Jawazat area, killing one citizen and wounding other in addition to destroying the house.

The same source pointed out that the hostile aircraft launched a raid on a gas station in the area of ​​Ahmi in Sahar Directorate, which resulted in injury to a citizen and the burning of the station, and three citizens were wounded in three raids on the home of a citizen in the Khafji district of the same Directorate.

According to the source, the aggression was carried out five raids on vegetable market, which left a lot of stubborn in the packing and export of citizens, and tow air raids on Kitaf district.