The Information Minister: 179 Prisoners Involved in December Treason Released



Al-Thawra Net

At least 179 prisoners who had been arrested during December treason were released from Sana’a and the others from Amran province, on Monday following an amnesty decree issued by President Saleh al-Samad.

“The attention of the political leadership and its direct follow-up to the process of implementation of the amnesty decree confirms its conscious desire to embody the concept of national Partnership on the ground and to motivate all governments, local authorities, political parties and the community to carry out their national duties and to unite energies, potentials and efforts in the face of aggression,” Abduslam Jaber said in a statement to SABA.

He called on all Yemeni people to join forces and unite all efforts to confront the Saudi-American aggression.

“Today, while we have done important work in the context of the normalization of public life by releasing 179 involved in this conspiracy, we are well aware of the national and moral meanings of the content of the amnesty decree,” the information minister added.

He pointed out that all the beneficiaries of the resolution to make it an incentive to correct their positions and also considered an opportunity to demonstrate their keenness to strengthen the unity of the row and a firm response to all the attempts of the “fifth column” seeking to invest and exploit all the remains and a service to aggression.