Two Qualitative Operations and Two Military Vehicles Destroyed in Taiz


A number of the Saudi-American aggression mercenaries  were killed and others injured in two qualitative operations that destroyed  two military vehicles in Taiz province .

A military source told Saba news agency that a military vehicle  was destroyed north Mokha killing and injuring those on board .

The source confirmed the destruction of another vehicle  loaded with mercenaries north of Khaled camp in Mwazi directorate .The source  pointed out that ambulances rushed to the position .

The source pointed out that the army and the Popular Committees carried out an attack on the positions of mercenaries in al-Juhmalih, and targeted their which killed and wounded a number in their ranks .

The source also confirmed the death and wounding of a number of mercenaries in an attack on their positions west of al-Kharazin hill in Mwazi directorate .