Yemeni Maj. General: Saudis Must Not Underestimate Yemeni Capabilities

Al-Thawra Newt

The commander of the Yemeni air force and air defense, Major General Ibrahim al-Shami, said that efforts to develop the Yemeni air defenses have been successful, the latest of which was the downing of the Tornado aircraft affiliated with the Saudi-led coalition.

He warned the forces of the Saudi-led coalition during a telephone conversation conducted by the Yemeni Arabic-speaking Almasirah on Sunday evening, from underestimating the capabilities of the Yemeni air defenses, stressing that the equation will differ in the coming days.

Recently, the Yemeni air defenses dropped on Sunday evening a military aircraft belonging to the Saudi-led coalition of the type “Tornado” in the district of Kataf over Saada Governorate as it bombed civilian targets.

On the other hand, the Saudi-led  aggression coalition also acknowledged the jet’s downfall, without giving further details.