Yemenis say farewell to President Al-Sammad

Al-Thawra Net

Millions of Yemeni people gathered on Saturday morning at Sabeen Square in the capital Sanna in a historic funeral procession to say goodbye to the President Saleh Ali Al-Sammad and his companions, who were assassinated by the US-backed Saudi-led air strikes on Thursday, April 19, 2018, in Yemen’s Red Sea Port Of Hodeidah.

The funeral was headed the president Madi Al-Mashat, ministers, military commanders of the state and many other important social figures.

They performed the funeral prayer on their pure bodies at people’s Mosque and his pure body will be buried next to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Sabeen Square.

The crowds raised the Yemeni flag, the pictures of the Martyred President Al-Sammad and chanted slogans against the US- Saudi policies in the region.

They also chanted slogans challenging the Saudi-led coalition and their allies.
In the funeral ceremony, the Saudi-led coalition waged two air strikes on the surrounding area of Sabeen Square in a bid to terrify crowds but they chanted the cry in the face of the arrogance:

God is greatest
Death to America
Death to Israel
Damn the (Jews)
Victory for Islam

Source: YPA