The losses of the Saudi army during the month of April were up to at least 82 Killed and 41 wounded in a new statistic monitored by “al-Masriah Net” from the Saudi media . Al-Masriah Net t monitored the number and names of the dead and wounded in Saudi official and non-official media as a result of military operations on the fronts of Jizan, Najran and Assir .
A military source in the army and popular committees said that that the real numbers of dead and wounded from the Saudi army outweigh of what is being announced in the Saudi media and that the Saudi regime has been hiding its losses over the past three years of its aggression on Yemen .
The Saudi army’s losses in March were 55 Killed and 53 injured, according to a monitoring of the Saudi media, bringing the total statistics in March and April together 137 Killed and 94 injured .