Al-Houthi confirms the readiness to pay salaries of all employees


Al-Thawra Net

Head of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, confirmed the readiness of the salvation government in Sanaa to pay the salaries of all employees in the northern and southern provinces, without exception to anyone.

Al-Houthi said in his twitter page that he repeats the previous offer of the envoy and the peace-supporting countries to return the revenues to the Bank of Sana’a and he guarantees to pay the salaries and the stability of the currency.

Al-Houthi explained that the printing of the local currency and the repetition of past experiences with the Saudi-backed elements are an attempt to kill the national economy.

In over three and half years of war, bombs, fighting, mass displacement and the spread of diseases have devastated Yemeni families. For the past year, most of the estimated 1.2 million Yemeni civil servants have received little to no salaries.