Arab communities in Germany call for lifting of siege on Sanaa Airport

Al-Thawra Net

Members of the Yemeni, Iraqi and Afghan communities in the city of Flensburg, Germany, have organized a stand of solidarity with Yemen on Saturday against the Saudi-led aggression coalition’s crimes.

They called on the international community to lift the blockade of Sana’a airport.

The stand of solidarity coincided with a huge Twitter campaign (#EndYemenSiege) that kicked off on Saturday, demanding that the blockade on Sana’a international airport should be lifted.

Activists on social media on Sunday launched a Twitter campaign (#EndYemenSiege) to break the international silence to the US-backed Saudi’s crime in Yemen on Tweeter and Facebook.

Campaign organizers managed the tweet campaign to reveal the aggression’s crimes in Yemen.

On Saturday, a five-year-old Yemeni child, who suffers from cancer, launched the first hashtag of the campaign, in order to deliver a message saying “open Sana’a International Airport to humanitarian, civil and commercial flights.”