Minister of Defense Visits Exhibition of Martyrs in Military Museum

Al-Thawra Net

The Minister of Defense, Major General Mohammad Al-Eatffi, visited on Friday the Military Museum in Sana’a, the Martyrs’ Exhibition organized by the Department of Moral Guidance, on the occasion of the yearly anniversary of the Martyr.

During the inauguration, the Minister of Defense and the Inspector General of the Armed Forces, Major General Abdulbari Al-Shamiri, and a number of generals and leaders and directors of the military departments put a wreath of flowers and were briefed on the heroic role of the martyrs of the Armed Forces.

The Minister of Defense praised the great sacrifices, and courageous national positions and the faithful fulfillment of the heroic martyrs of the Armed Forces and Popular Committees.

They gave their lives in defense of the sovereignty and independence of the nation and the pride and dignity of our mighty and steadfast Yemeni people in the face of barbaric and brutal aggression.

He expressed his thanks and appreciation to the leadership of the Department of Moral Guidance for their efforts in organizing and equipping the exhibition in a manner befitting the martyrs’ story.