Electoral Commission prepared election for vacant parliament seats


Al-Thawra Net

The Supreme Commission for Elections and Referendum in Sana’a has responded to the order of the exiled Saudi-backed Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi to relocate the Commission to Aden.

During an expanded meeting, the Committee issued decisions on election management committees to fill vacant seats, the estimated budget for elections, electoral manuals and organizations ‘ calls for election observation.

The meeting of the Supreme Commission for Elections and Referendums in the capital Sanaa, chaired by Judge Mohamed Abdullah al-Salmi, also discussed a mechanism to form the supervisory, original and subsidiary electoral committees for managing the parliamentary elections of 2019, which is meant to replace the deceased members of the House of Representatives.

“After a thorough discussion of the options presented, the election commission was approved by the electoral commissions, who are members of the education sector, who meet the requirements of article 26 of the Electoral law and the standards established by the Supreme Committee in this regard.

It also approved the referral of draft electoral manuals to the legal sector in order to complete the procedure for their promulgation in accordance with the law.

It also briefed the technical sector and the Secretariat on the preparations for the elections and agreed to “complete the work and carry out the tasks in accordance with the programme and Plan of Action”