SPA: 6 Saudi soldiers killed on border fronts by Yemen’s army

Al-Thawra Net

Saudi Arabia has officially announced on Saturday that six of its soldiers have been killed in the Najran and Jizan regions in the past three days, as the Saudi Press Agency reported.

These soldiers were killed in confrontations with the Yemeni army in the border fronts with Yemen. Their names as the following:

1)Sergeant Abdullah al-Harbi

2) Corporal Ahmad Hamdi

3) Ahmed Jabari

4) Abdo bin Hassan Lakhmi

5) Salem Al-Ghamdi

6) Naji al-Dosari

Since March 26, 2015, Saudi Arabia has been leading a war against Yemen, which has led to the death and injury of hundreds of thousands of civilians, as well as deteriorating humanitarian conditions, outbreaks of disease and epidemics, especially cholera, and a decline in the volume of cash reserves of Yemen.

However, despite a more advanced military, the Saudis have been unsuccessful in defeating the Yemeni resistance, which has been fighting back against the invaders with a ferocity that has made some analysts compare the conflict to the Vietnam War.