Yemen’s Information Minister Condemns the U.S. brazenness criminality

Al-Thawra Net

Yemen’s Information Minister Daifallah al-Shami has on Friday commented on US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo’s decision to oppose reduced US support for the Saudi-Emirati alliance. He said that Pompeo’s remarks are the brazen words of a criminal.

“Those who care about the rights and lives of Yemenis must support the Saudi-led coalition,” US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo had the audacity of saying on Friday, in response to a congressional decision to demand a stop to US support for the Saudi-led invasion.

“Thus criminals boast of their crimes against the Yemeni people, and this is their reality,” Daifallah al-Shami wrote on his Twitter account on Friday.

At the same time, the Congress’s vote on a bill to stop US support for the Saudi alliance is “a policy to cover up discontent” which is useless, al-Shami said. “The United States is pursuing a policy of reducing the world’s growing discontent against it with regard to its participation in the aggression against Yemen,” he added.

“The U.S. Congress’s stance of constantly calling for the suspension of U.S. support for Saudi Arabia as a draft resolution keeps being delayed and is faced with an escalation by Trump threatening to reject it. So they act as fools.”