Supreme Political Council renews commitment to Sweden Agreement

Al-Thawra Net

The Supreme Political Council on Sunday renewed its commitment to Sweden Agreement, confirming its positive engagement with any measures to ensure the success of the political process and avoid a humanitarian disaster in the province of Hodeidah.

The Council praised the military committee’s positive openness to various mechanisms, condemning the other party’s procrastination and its attempt to fabricate many problems, and holding it responsible for consequences of its intransigence.

In its meeting, headed by President Mahdi al-Mashat, the Council discussed the military situation on the different fronts, and the US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition’s mobilizations and its escalation in several areas.

The meeting touched on the economic situation and the crisis of oil derivatives caused by the aggression with the aim of doubling the suffering of the people of Yemen.

In this regard, the Council held the aggression coalition and its mercenaries responsible for results of this escalation and economic blockade, which is contrary to all principles and ethics of wars.

The Council also reviewed a number of reports on the preparations of the government and the competent authorities for the holy month of Ramadan in terms of providing the necessary goods and controlling prices.