Mohammed al-Houthi condemns Zionist targeting of Islamic holy sites

Al-Thawra Net

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, Chairman of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee, has denounced the continued targeting of Islamic sanctities in Palestine by Zionist aggressors.

“Global Zionism targets Islamic sanctities by distorting them, changing the view of the people of holiness and maximizing their indifference in many ways and means,” Mohammed Ali al-Houthi said in a tweet on Tuesday morning.

Mohammed al-Houthi added that “Zionism is working to desecrate the first Ka’bah and to end monuments, and to try to link its defenders with terrorism.”

He concluded that “the positions of the Arab and Islamic Governments, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the League of Arab States, the Al-Azhar chiefdom, the World Federation of Muslim Scholars and other bodies are remarkably absent in the face of the Israeli entity’s continued targeting of holy sites in Palestine and the elimination of its identity.”