Mohammed al-Houthi: UN silence on besieging al-Durayhimi is crime

Al-Thawra Net

Member of the Supreme Political Council Mohammad Ali al-Houthi on Monday considered that the UN silence on the crime of besieging al-Durayhimi city of Hodeida province for eight months by Saudi-led coalition forces is also a crime.

“The siege of al-Durayhimi is a clear crime, and the continuation of the siege under the eyes of the world and the United Nations is another crime,” said al-Houthi on Twitter.

Al-Houthi noted that the recent introduction of food aid to the city by the UN organization “is a positive thing, but it is not enough, as the right situation for al-Durayhimi and Yemen is to end the siege.”

The UN World Food Program (WFP) announced on Sunday that it had been able to provide relief assistance to needy families within al-Durayhimi district. After the UN mission was reluctant late in April to enter a convoy of food from the people of Hodeidah to the district.