Saudi-led aggression coalition refuses to allow ICRC to visit prisons

Al-Thawra Net

Head of the National Committee for Prisoners Affairs Abdulqader al-Mortada on Friday said that Saudi/Emirati-led coalition and government of the exiled Hadi refused to allow the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to visit prisoners and detainees in their custody.

“This is contrary to their commitment during the second round of Amman consultations held in Jordan,” said al-Mortada on his Facebook page, noting that Sanaa was committed to the agreement and opened its prisons to the ICRC.

Al-Mortada explained that came at a request submitted by UN Envoy Office to Sanaa and to the other party to allow ICRC to visit all prisons of both parties to see the conditions of prisoners and detainees, as a step to build confidence between the parties.

“The aggression forces and their mercenaries did not allow this at all and neither ICRC nor any other organization could visit any prison of them,” al-Mortada added.

He pointed out that the coalition and Hadi’s government are not serious in implementing the prisoner exchange agreement signed in Sweden under the auspices of the United Nations on 13 December 2018.

At the end of his post, al-Mortada called on the United Nations to pressure the other party to carry out its obligations.