Ministry of Human Rights condemns WFP threat of cutting off all food aid to Yemen

Al- Thawra Net

Spokesman for the Yemeni Ministry of Human Rights, Talat al-Sharjabi, has said on that the threats of the World Food Program (WFP)’s President to stop the distribution of relief aid portend a major humanitarian disaster in Yemen.

“We are deeply saddened by the recent statements made by the program director and his threat to stop relief activities in some areas of Yemen,” al-Sharjabi added in a statement to Yemen Press Agency.

He said that such threats, in case they were translated in practice, would have catastrophic effects on millions of Yemenis, in a country that has been suffering from the Saudi-imposed blockade for over four years, as well as from the interruption of the payment of employees’ salaries since 2016.

“The situation requires redoubled efforts to provide the basic necessities to save millions of Yemenis from death or starvation,” he explained.

He indicated that 80 percent of Yemen’s 30 million people are threatened with death, and eight million Yemenis are living on relief aid.

The spokesman called on the local authorities and international bodies to search an appropriate mechanism to promote the principle of transparency in the humanitarian action in Yemen.

The World Food Program’s threat of starving Yemen comes after increasing Yemeni complaints about WFP food aid being filled with rotten and pest-ridden foodstuffs that would threaten the health of those who eat it.