Saudi Arabia is Heading to execute A Boy

The youngest detainee, Murtaji al-Qureis, 18, faces a death sentence in Saudi Arabia, four years after his arrest on the so called charges of participating in a “bicycle demonstration with children” in the eastern part of the kingdom at the age of 10.

According to the indictment against him, the first “crime” committed by Murtaja was at the age of 10 years during events in the Awamiya region of eastern Saudi Arabia, during the Arab spring events in 2011.

Three years after the demonstration, the Saudi authorities arrested Murtaja while he was traveling with his family to Bahrain on charges of belonging to an “extremist terrorist group” and other charges.

The European  Saudi Human Rights Organization (ESOHR) said earlier that Murtaji al-Qureis, after being held in solitary confinement for a month, was tortured and ill-treated to force him to confess to the charges against him