Al- Thawra Net
The official spokesman for Ansarullah, Mohammed Abdulsalam on Thursday discussed in Muscat with the Iranian ambassador to Oman Nouri Shahroudi the political and humanitarian events in Yemen.
The meeting dealt with the tension witnessed by the region due to the recent American escalation, which pushed the region towards the edge, as well as the stupid impulse of some countries in the region and their poor assessment of catastrophic effects that could result from explosion of the situation, as they did not benefit from the mistake of aggression on Yemen.
“There is consensus that the escalation is not in the interest of anyone,” said Abdulsalam in a tweet. “Just as Yemen is facing a brutal aggression and unjust siege that must stop, so too Iran is facing assaults and unjust economic sanctions.”
He added “the wise people must realize the gravity of the continuation of the aggression against Yemen and the danger of getting involved in bringing a battle that wreaks havoc on the region and serves only American-Zionist interests.”