Extensive operations for Armored and engineering Units in May and June


The armored and engineering units of the army and the popular committees carried out during the months of May and June 577 operations that destroyed hundreds of vehicles and armored vehicles, in addition to nine aircraft were shot down.

The spokesman for the armed forces spoke in  a conference  that the engineering unit carried out during the months of May and June, 368 operations resulted in the destruction and burning of 97 vehicles loaded with personnel, 6 operations targeted armored vehicles and 29 operations targeted mechanisms, in addition to the implementation of 225 ambushes targeted the movements of enemy forces.

He pointed out that the armored unit of the army and popular committees carried out 209 operations that resulted in the destruction and damage of 64 vehicles, most of them loaded with personnel, 37 tanks, 15 vehicles and bulldozers, in addition to 58 targeting operations of the enemy forces and reinforcements.