Al- Thawra Net
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israeli occupation entity has launched a project to link Saudi Arabia and the Gulf through Jordan to Israel’s railway line to Haifa in the occupied Palestine.
The Zionist foreign minister Yisrael Katz presented an initiative during his recent visit to the UAE, The ministry said on Twitter on Monday.
طرح وزير الخارجية الإسرائيلي خلال زيارته لأبو ظبي مبادرة تربط بين السعودية ودول الخليج مرورا بالأردن بشبكة السكك الحديدية الإسرائيلية وميناء حيفا في البحر الأبيض المتوسط. تتمخض المبادرة عن طرق تجارة إقليمية، أقصر وأرخص وأكثر أمانا، من شأنها دعم اقتصادات الدول#كاريكاتير
— إسرائيل بالعربية (@IsraelArabic) July 7, 2019
On Monday (July 1st), Hebrew newspapers published photographs of Katz from the courtyard of Sheikh Zayed Mosque, which is one of the world’s largest mosques, during his visit to Abu Dhabi at the end of June last Sunday.
“During his visit to Abu Dhabi, the Israeli foreign Minister put forward an initiative linking Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states through Jordan to the Israeli railway network and the Mediterranean port of Haifa,” the ministry added.
“The initiative results in regional, shorter, cheaper and safer trade routes that will support the economies of of States,” Israeli foreign Minister said during his visit.
“I am excited to be here in Abu Dhabi to represent Israel’s interests with the Gulf countries, whose relations with Israel are growing markedly,” he added.
” I will continue to work with Prime Minister Netanyahu to promote a policy of cooperation based on Israel’s capabilities in the civil, security and intelligence fields,” he confirmed.