Official statistics show extent of Saudi losses in Hajjah

Al- Thawra Net

At least 319 Saudi-led  aggression coalition troops, including 192 mercenaries and 127 Saudi and Sudanese soldiers were killed in offensives and sniper operations carried out by the Yemeni army and Popular Committees during last July in the Harad and Medi fronts of Hajjah province, according to a military official.

The official confirmed that 27 military vehicles and tanks of the coalition were destroyed and two spy aircrafts downed by the defenders of Yemen.

He furthermore said that during the last month the army and popular committees carried out five offensives and fired 12 Zilzal-1 missiles on gatherings and positions of the coalition forces in the same fronts, in addition to repelling six infiltration attempts of the coalition mercenaries.

However, the Saudi-led coalition warplanes also waged 59 air raids on Harad and Medi districts during the same month, the official added