Violent clashes Between Mercenaries Militia In Taiz

Violent clashes erupted in the city of al-Turbah in Taiz province on Thursday between Islah forces and 35 armored brigades.

Islah Party sent large forces into the city of al-Turbah in the past two days, while the director of the province’s security removed from office the security director of the Directorate of Shamaytin appointed by the governor and appointed another affiliated with the Islah party, which helped to fuel the crisis.

The Islah party managed to evacuate the pro-UAE Abu al-Abbas militia  from the city of Taiz to the Kadha area of the western military coast.

Observers believe that the Islah party is currently seeking to get rid of other forces form the fear of the movements of the UAE militia  in Taiz similar to what happened in Aden.