Abdulmalik al-Ajari: America is a key partner in the aggression against Yemen

Al- Thawra Net

National Negotiation Delegation member Abdulmalik al-Ajari has on Thursday said that the US is a key partner in the aggression against Yemen, and is behind the war continuation as part of its project in the region to secure Israel’s power.

“Our position from the outset is that the United States is a key partner in the Saudi-led coalition aggression and takes a legal and moral responsibility for all the repercussions of aggression and crimes committed by warplanes,” said al-Ajari in a press statement.

Al-Ajari explained that the US believes that the presence of a strong anti-hegemony Yemen along with the Axis of Resistance would stand in the way of all its projects in the region.

“The Americans believe that Israel will not be safe and their projects in the region will not succeed with a strong presence of Ansaruallah in Yemen, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria, and other resisting states and movements,” he said. “It is therefore natural that they would not allow any peace in Yemen.”

On the other hand, al-Ajari pointed out that the US sees the continuation of the aggression against Yemen as a source of funding for its treasury through the continuation of arms deals and others.

With regard to reports on an American desire for dialogue, al-Ajari said that if there is any presumable dialogue with the United States, it would be only as “it (the US) is part of the war and has many keys to stop it.”

“We look at the American calls with suspicion, and we doubt their seriousness and motives, whether electoral or to get rid of public pressure or to acquit the American role,” al-Aajri said.