Ansarullah condemns Saudi arrest of Hamas members

Al- Thawra Net

The political bureau of Ansarullah condemned Saturday the Saudi regime’s arrest of Hamas members as a betrayal of the Palestinian cause.

In a statement, Ansarullah Political Bureau said that “we have followed with great regret the campaign of arrests carried out by the Saudi regime against the Palestinian people residing in the Kingdom, which recently arrested one of the cadres of Hamas movement Mohammed Al-Khodari and his son Hani without consideration for his age and health conditions and being a resident of the Kingdom for three decades.”

Ansarullah Political Bureau also considered that the move goes beyond normalization to full identification with the Israeli occupier in his policies and criminal conspiracies against the nation and its sanctities and capabilities.

Ansarullah Political Bureau called on the peoples of the region and the free world to raise the voice of all kinds of popular and official rejection, denouncing the plan to demonize the Palestinian resistance movements, which represent the spearhead of the nation in the face of the Israeli occupation.

The Political Bureau of Ansarullah renewed its solidarity with all Palestinian resistance movements in front of any encroachment on them, especially at this critical stage in which the nation’s issue is exposed to US liquidation attempts.