Pro Saudi-led Aggression Government Prevented Head of UN Panel of Experts Entering Yemen

Al- Thawra Net

The head of the UN expert team charged with investigating war crimes in Yemen, Kamal Jendoubi, said that Hadi’s government and the coalition prevented the team from entering Yemen to investigate violations and crimes and did not any answer inquiries or questions so far.

Al-Jendoubi explained in an interview with Almasirah channel that the UN team’s approaches are based on facts about violations that are studied and investigated by all sources and that the methodology of the investigation requires meetings with victims whether inside or outside Yemen.

“Our approach is not to say to any party that we are with you or against you,” Jendoubi said, stressing the impartiality of his team and its reliance on international references in the field of human rights. He praised the response of authorities in Sana’a with the UN team, which showed its willingness to meet with the team.

“It was impossible for us to reach Yemen, and we are ready to go wherever we are allowed to go,” he said. “The war in Yemen must end and casualties, famine, disease and destroyed infrastructure are enough,” he added.

Jendoubi pointed out that the Yemeni parties are unable to stop the war alone and must be pushed to the table of dialogue by the international community. He pointed out that international humanitarian law requires the international community to do what the law requires to push the Yemeni parties to stop the war.

Source: Al- Masirah Net