Saudi Arabia Repels Hadi’s case against the UAE in the Security Council

Hadi’s government failed on Thursday to bring its complaint against the UAE to the Security Council under Saudi pressure.

Hadi’s ambassador to the United Nations had filed a complaint after 300 soldiers were killed and wounded with UAE air strikes on their rallies in Abyan and Aden.

Diplomatic sources said that international pressure prevented the Security Council to respond to Hadi’s call for an emergency session.

They pointed out that the international community expected to contain these differences within the framework of the war on Yemen as the governor of the Hadi government.

No council member accepted to adopt the invitation after a Saudi intervention to withdraw it.

Saudi Arabia is leading negotiations between Hadi and the “Southern Transitional Council “STC”in an attempt to pass an agenda on dividing Yemen and distributing the south among its followers.

The coalition had given a green light to the coup against Hadi, but the Transitional Council  did not abide by the alliance’s limits. Negotiations between the two sides are still taking place indirectly in Jeddah.