Foreign Minister condemns Saudi-led coalition’s crimes

Al- Thawra Net

Foreign Minister, Hisham Sharaf on Friday condemned the continuation of aggression in targeting citizens’ houses, violating international humanitarian law and the four Geneva Conventions.

The minister considered that the targeting of civilians by the aggression coalition is a message that it is not serious towards peace and preventing citizens from military attacks.

Hisham Sharaf called on the UN envoy and the group of countries sponsoring the political settlement process in Yemen to put more pressures on the Saudi-led aggression coalition countries not to undermine confidence-building measures.

He stressed the need to commit avoiding targeting civilians and not to seize ships loaded with oil derivatives and reopen Sana’a International Airport.

Foreign Minister pointed out that the Yemeni people, the army and the popular committees are able to defend themselves if the aggression countries are not serious about peace and a comprehensive ceasefire.