Aggression forces Hold Thirteen Ships to Enter Hodeidah Port

A source at the port of Hodeidah, said on Wednesday that the Saudi-American aggression coalition is holding 13 ships carrying oil derivatives and food items despite obtaining UN permits.

A source at the port of Hodeidah told the “al-Msirah” that the aggression forces continue to detain ships in front of the port of Jizan carrying UN permits.

The source pointed out that the aggression is holding 13 ships carrying oil derivatives and food despite carrying UN permits.

The Yemeni Oil Company said in a statement that despite the statement of the UN envoy to Yemen in his briefing to the Security Council on 22 of the past, which talked about the entry of fuel ships to the port of Hodeidah and that the crisis was avoided.

The company added that the aggression coalition is still holding five oil ships loaded with petrol and diesel, despite obtaining a permit to enter the port of Hodeidah in order to increase the suffering of citizens.

The statement pointed out that the quantities on board ships trapped at sea amounted to 84,837 tons of gasoline and 53,004 tons of diesel.