Human right Minster calls for international community to take an honorable position for humanity in Yemen


Human Rights Minister Alia Faisal Abdullatif called on the international community and concerned international organizations to take an honorable position for humanity and human rights in Yemen.

The Minister of Human Rights said in a statement issued today that the Ministry will celebrate this year the International Human Rights Day, the tenth of December, commensurate with the humanitarian conditions experienced by Yemenis in light of the continued aggression and siege and the spread of epidemic diseases that kill them.

“We mourn the silence of the world and the international organizations concerned for all crimes against humanity, which are behind the aggression countries led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE.” she said

Yemenis are dying from lack of medicine and more than 20 million people need food assistance after they have fallen below the poverty line, she said.

“What will the world say on International Human Rights Day; the human being in Yemen is dying by the bombing and siege that has tightened its restrictions on Sana’a airport and all the outlets and cuts in the salaries of state employees,” she added.