Saudi Coalition Suspends STC forces Salaries

A source in the Transitional Council confirmed the coalition’s suspension  of the salaries of its forces.

The source said that the Saudi committee suspended the work of the Finance and Personnel and Human Resources Department in the security Belt in Aden and directed to prevent the payment of its salaries .He pointed out that the coalition stipulated the delivery of weapons in exchange for salaries.

This is a step in a series of escalation from the coalition, which denied the past few days a number of field leaders in the transitional forces, most notably Abd al-Latif al-Sayyid, the commander of the security Belt in Abyan, and Saleh al-Sayyid, the commander of the Belt in Lahj, in addition to preventing the security director of Aden Shalla al-Shae’i and the head of counter-terrorism Yusran al-Maqtari from returning to the city.

The stopping of salaries is not limited to the Transitional Forces, but also includes  Hadi forces that carried out demonstrations in Shabwa on Tuesday, after excluding the control areas of the Hadi forces from the salaries of the Ministry of Interior.

The coalition demands the Transitional council to hand over its weapons and Hadi’s forces to withdraw from Abyan and Shabwa in compliance with the Riyadh agreement signed by the two parties last November and provides for Saudi forces to be given full control over the areas under the control of the war coalition in Yemen.