UN: Cholera kills 3,800 Yemenis

Baby girl Bayan (2 months) and mother Mishair Abdullah. Mishair came with her daughter Bayan to al-Sabeen hospital. The little girl has symptoms of cholera. She is afraid that her daughter might have the dangerous disease, but is relieved to see that BayanÌs condition improved after they came to the clinic one hour ago. Bayan has been having diarrhea, vomiting and fever for the past three days. Mishair does not know where her daughter might have caught the disease. The cholera clinic in al-Sabeen hospital, Sanaa, Yemen. The clinic is run by WHO, but Yemen Red Crescent volunteer give the patients and their families hygiene/cholera promotion every day. The clinic was opened about two weeks ago, when the outbreak was in its first phase. On the day of this visit, the number of cholera patients had decreased a little bit, before increasing again the day after. Mostly women and children affected in this specific clinic. Photo: Maria Korkunc/Norwegian Red Cross

The World Health Organization announced a new statistic that showed the cholera epidemic has continued its mission to kill Yemenis.

The new statistic indicates the death of 3,800 cases since the outbreak began in October 2016 until last September.

It also confirms the injury of 187 thousand cases during the same period.

This year, the statistic showed a high rate of infection, as more than 92,000 cases were recorded, and 5,100 laboratory cases were confirmed.

The governorates of ‘Amran, Al Mahwit, Sana’a, Al Bayda, Dhamar have a higher rate of attack for the epidemic, while the organization Taiz, Ibb, Hodiedah is the most common death rate due to its spread.

The spread of cholera rates is likely to be the result of viral attacks in of the biological war taking place in Yemen, and the destruction of infrastructure, especially in the economic sector the suffering, according to UN reports.