YPC workers continue protest in front of UN HQ in Sana’a


Al-Thawra Net

Employees of Yemeni Petroleum Company (YPC), trade unions and its affiliated bodies staged a vigil in front of the UN office in Sana’a after Friday prayers titled “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is Ink on Paper.”

During the vigil, YPC’s spokesman Amin al-Shabati confirmed the continued detention of oil derivatives ships in conjunction with the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The detention of oil derivatives ships is a flagrant violation of the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, he said.

He blamed the United Nations and the international community for the continued detention of oil derivatives vessels and their non-access to the port of Hodeidah.

Protesters issued a statement calling on the United Nations to fulfil its human rights and carry out its tasks in Yemen and put more pressure on the Saudi-led coalition to release all detained oil vessels and ensure that they are not detained in the future.

The statement reiterated the demand for lifting the embargo on Sana’a International Airport and Ras Issa facilities, and neutralizing the Yemeni Petroleum company, its facilities, stations and its agents from targeting.