Fierce clashes eruptes again in Shabwa

Shabwa governorate witnessed renewed the battles between Hadi forces and pro-Transition Tribes in Qamosh.

The battles came after quiet hours of mediated tribal intervention.

Tribal sources said that the battles are taking place in the village of al-Hada in the Habban and Najd al-Lujam district.The sources pointed out  that Hadi forces used tanks and heavy artillery to bombard the homes of citizens in the village of Al-Hada.

A tribal mediation intervened on Tuesday evening with the aim of stopping the fighting that has been going on since the morning in exchange for the release of the pro “Islah” commander of the Special Security Forces kidnapped two days ago by gunmen in Qamosh, but the mediation failed, which caused the return of the battles ferociously.

The death toll was not known,the Transitional official spokesmen said that  a number of dead and wounded among the forces of Hadi, headed by a senior leader named Osama Laakab, whose condition was described as dangerous, while tribal sources talk about the killing and wounding of dozens among the tribes.