First successful treatment of corona virus patient announced


Al- Thawra Net

China’s National Health Committee on Saturday evening announced that has found a treatment of the first case of corona virus.

The Government Committee confirmed that a 56-year-old woman had no longer had a rise in body temperature for six days after a period of treatment.

In doing so, the Committee announced that the Group of Experts had reached the conclusion of its treatment, as well as allowing the patient to be discharged from the hospital.

In Shanghai, the first patient suffering from abnormal pneumonia caused by the new corona virus is also being treated.

The woman, whose treatment has been announced by the Chinese National Health Committee, lives in Wuhan city, where the corona virus broke our and is still spreading.

The patient was infected on 10 January, two days after arriving in Shanghai, and on 15 January she was taken to hospital. Doctors confirmed  that she was infected with a new virus, the first case in the region, China’s Sena reported.