Analyst: Saudi Arabia fails in Yemen

Al- THawra Net

According to Russian military analyst Vladislav Shuriguin, the facts show that Yemen became a true “stalemate” for the Saudis.
“Riyadh disbursed enormous resources in that war, and yet it is losing it. In the current circumstances of the world economy, particularly characterized by the oil collapse, continuing the conflict would mean a blow to the Saudi economy. Nor can the repetition of the Houthi attacks on the kingdom’s oil infrastructure. The other members of the Saudi coalition have already realized the infeasibility of the conflict and have minimized their participation in the war, “said Vladislav Shuriguin.
“The great cost of this war is being carried by Saudi Arabia, for which it has even brought mercenaries from Afghanistan, Pakistan or Sudan, who are fighting against the Houthi forces in Yemeni territory.
 But it has never been possible to bend the Yemeni army and popular committees “Houthis”, but rather, from a defensive situation in the war, they have openly gone on the offensive, producing serious attacks already in Saudi territory, “Guadi Calvo, an Argentine specialist in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, said in conversation with Radio Sputnik.
Among other things, he denounced the complicity of the West in the deaths in the Yemeni war, where some 8,000 civilians have already died, including more than 2,000 children.
“Saudi Arabia makes burtaI attacks. with constant bombardment against the civilian population,” he said, pointing out that it is the western countries that supply arms to Riyadh
“Saudi Arabia has little industry of its own and has to compare everything from basic necessities to armaments. And it pays very well. That is why the West agrees with this monarchy and allows it to do the things it does in Yemen and also in the interior of the country, where they are lacking all human rights, “said Guadi Calvo.
Source: Agencies