Islah Gunmen Kills a Taxi Driver in Taiz

On Monday, an Islahi gunman killed a taxi driver for his  blocking his way!

Eyewitnesses reported that the driver, Wasim Ali Alwan Abbad, was working on his taxi bus on Jamal Street, when he was suddenly shot by an Islahi gunman in the middle of the street.

Local sources said that the citizens tried to rescue the driver, but he was dead.

The sources pointed out that the perpetrator justified his crime by the fact that the driver was blocking the road in front of his car, and it is a justification that reveals the extent of the barbarism with which Iskah agents deal with the residents of the city they control.

A week ago, a leader of the Islah militia had kidnapped workers in the “Al-Saeed” restaurant in Aqaba, because they demanded the value of the meal he had eaten and refused, and took them to prison.

The city of Taiz witnessed many of these brutal crimes committed by the mercenary of Islah in broad daylight and with all savagery, and on more than one occasion the “reform” crews run over people, including children, because they were on their way.