National Salvation Government begins strict precautionary measures to prevent coronavirus in Afar port in Bayda

Al- Thawra Net

Authorities of the Supreme Political Council and the National Salvation Government have begun to implement strict precautionary measures to prevent the new coronavirus (Covid-19)  spread at land and customs ports, starting with the Afar customs port in Bayda province.

“The Ministry of Water and Environment on Friday launched a campaign of spraying and disinfection at the Afar customs port in the province as part of preventive precautions to counter Coronavirus,” local sources in Bayda said.

“During the campaign, the quarantine center was sprayed at the port and vehicles with all kinds,” Said Marwan al-Harazi, director of the Water and Environmental Sanitation Emergency Unit.

“A spray team has been assigned to work continuously at the port, as well as Radaa hotels have been sprayed, as they were set as quarantine centers after the arrivals have left and prepared to receive new ones,” he said.

The start of the campaign comes a day after the technical committee for combating epidemics issued quarantine regulation measures at land and customs ports, including “restoring the quarantine area with all technical and medical equipment.”

The measures included “the implementation of the General Authority for Land Transport and the Customs Authority in coordination with the Ministry of Health the process of spraying and sterilizing all trailers loaded with goods and supervising the replacement of drivers, provided that this does not entail any additional financial burdens on the consumer.”

Technical Committee for Combating Epidemics has also instructed the “General Authority for Land Transport to develop, in coordination with the Chambers of Commerce and business, a mechanism for transporting goods by replacing locomotive drivers and subjecting them to trailers after the head is replaced for medical examination”.

The planned measures included “the provision of custom tents and supplies for the establishment of personnel, barbed wire and fencing of quarantine areas so that individuals can be isolated according to the time limit which lasts for (14 days(.

The measures also included: “The construction of the General Authority for Rural Water special sewage areas in the ports, and the provision of the Food Bank and the General Authority for Zakat in cooperation with the Industrial Chamber of Commerce eating and drinking for the arrivals of stone centers.”

The measures of Technical Committee for Combating Epidemics to regulate quarantine at land and customs ports stressed that “the accommodation centers of individual locomotive drivers and the means of transporting goods will be separated in quarantine, which lasts for 14 days”.