Tribes in Marib Stop Saudi Reinforcement from reaching Marib

The Ubaidah tribes stopped  the international road linking the city of Marib to the border depository, in conjunction with the announcement of the ministers of the “Hadi government” to return to the city.
Tribal sources said that violent clashes erupted between the militants of the Damasche tribe, and the coalition forces in the Safer line of the deposit.
The sources confirmed that the Damascene tribesmen were able to control tankers carrying Saudi military reinforcements to Marib, and toke them to unknown places.
The source added that the Damascene tribe  refused to release the Saudi military weapons, which led to violent clashes, without mentioning any other details.
The sources pointed out that the tribes of Ubaidah will not allow the alliance to make Ma’rib an arena for its absurd wars in Yemen.