UAE-backed Separatists Declare Self-governance of Yemen’s South

Al-Thawra Net

Aidarous al-Zubaidi, head of the UAE-backed separatists Southern Transitional Council (STC) has on Sunday declared a state of emergency in Aden and all other southern occupied provinces.

Al-Zubaidi, speaking from the Emirati city of Abu Dhabi, called on his forces to start self-management of the occupied provinces, starting on Saturday evening, and tasked the transitional committees “to direct the work of public bodies, institutions and facilities to implement self-administration.”

In a statement, al- Zubaidi called on the governors of the occupied provinces and officials of institutions and public facilities from the south to continue their work.

Al-Zubaidi also called on the Saudi-led coalition and the international community to “support self-management measures in order to achieve the security and stability of the people of the South, combating terrorism and maintaining international peace and security,”.

On Thursday, the STC refused to allow some ministers in Hadi’s government to return to Aden.

The Council accused Hadi’s government of” thwarting the Riyadh Agreement, which provides for the return of the Prime Minister only and for the purposes and tasks clearly defined by the agreement.”