Yemeni Army Thwarts Attacks of Saudi-led Mercenaries in Najran

Al-Thawra Net

The Army and the Popular Committees, on Sunday, thwarted a large military  infiltration attempts carried out by Saudi-led coalition mercenaries in Najran.

“Our forces were able to thwart three cinflitarion attempts towards the Rasha’a area in al-Baqa’a, near Najran lasted from midnight until this morning,” Brigadier Sare’e said in a brief statement.

Sare’e stated that US-Saudi aggression launched 25 raids during 12 hours on Saturday, including 23 raids in one hour on Marib province, to support their mercenaries’ military attacks.

The Army and Popular Committees have also encountered two creeps by the US-Saudi mercenaries in Jawf and Marib. Dozens of mercenaries were killed and injured with no progress.