Health Minister: More than 80 percent of the corona virus cases recovered

Al- Thawar Net

Minister of Public Health and Population Dr. Taha al-Mutawakkil on Saturday said that the rate of recovery from COVID-19 in Yemen amounts to more than 80 percent of the cases that appeared in the capital Sanaa and a number of provinces.

During an expanded meeting held in Sanaa, Dr. al-Mutawakkil affirmed that the Corona epidemic appeared in several areas and provinces, including the capital Sanaa.

“We are working on providing the necessary health care for the infected cases and tracking those who mixed with them and monitoring their cases,” he added.

The Health Minister pointed out that the world dealt with the cases as numbers and statistics, which negatively affected the psychological and immune status of patients and societies.

“We, in Yemen, will deal with patients out of their human right to care, not as stock market figures, which the media are racing to report, spread terror and intimidation among societies, and reduce morale among patients,” he said.

He continued: “We will work in a different path from global media terrorism, which bears the responsibility for a large part of the number of deaths in the world, in order to establish a state of reassurance and strengthen precautionary measures to the highest levels.”

The Minister pointed out that the inefficiency of the tests provided by the World Health Organization has contributed to the lack of reaching an accurate number of infections, confirming that the available capabilities would be used to confront this virus.

“In Aden, the number of cases is constantly announced, but they have not been responded to by organizations, so our brothers in the southern provinces need support and there are dozens of patients who die of epidemics and diseases,” he said.

Dr. Al-Mutawakkil explained that the citizens in Aden have resorted to hospitals in Sanaa to get treatment, noting that all Yemenis is being treated with self-efforts, amid disregard of the United Nations and international organizations.

He urged everyone to feel the responsibility to confront the Corona virus, stressing “We are with the closure of gathering places and markets, but not the complete closure and stopping of life, as there are those who depends on daily work for living.”

The complete closure proved its mistake at the global level and now the countries have started to ease the procedures of closing and returning to normal life, he added.

Dr. Al-Mutawakkil said that “there is media terrorism that turned the disease into a stigma, and this matter was supported by a malicious media policy that ignores man and turns it into a number for bidding.”

The Minister of Health referred that Yemen had dealt calmly with the H1N1 seasonal flu pandemic, which by the end of 2019 had reached more than 103,493 cases.

He directed public and private hospitals to receive all patients and their cases and to provide diagnostic and treatment care services.

He called on hospitals to provide beds for inmates and beds for intensive care and to provide protective supplies for all hospital personnel, with taking precautionary measures when receiving suspected cases and dealing with them.

The Minister of Health called on the medical staff to take the highest preventive precautions, stressing the strengthening of infection control measures in the hospitals, announcing a list of hospitals that violate infection control procedures.

In the meeting, the Minister also issued a final warning to all hospitals that are not committed to infection control procedures, and give them three days before taking legal measures against them, which include closure.

He renewed the call for the elderly and patients of chronic diseases to stay in their homes in order to preserve their safety from the epidemic, pointing out that promising research and studies are being conducted in Yemen on Corona.