Military spokesman Yahya Sare’e reveals extent of continuing Saudi crimes

Al-Thawra Net Yemeni army spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e has confirmed that the Saudi-led aggression coalition forces are still continuing their military escalation on various fronts, as well as their airstrikes on a number of provinces.

In a statement on Friday, Brigadier General Sare’e said that the coalition forces have launched more than one offensive over the past week.

These attacks were launched on Jawf, Marib, Bayda, Dhalea, Taiz, Saada provinces, Sare’e explained.

In the past week alone, the coalition have launched 258 airstrikes on several Yemeni provinces, he said.

The total number of coalition airstrikes and hostile operations since April 9 has reached more than 86 attacks and more than 1,068 airstrikes.