Abdulsalam: Saudi-led aggression countries countries and UN do not deal positively with any peace initiatives

Al-Thawra Net

The Head of the national delegation Mohamed AbdulSalam has affirmed that since the establishment of the United Nations it did not depart from the American and British cloak.

The head of the national delegation noted in an interview with the 26 September newspaper published on Sunday that the countries of aggression and the United Nations do not deal positively with any peace initiative. “They do not want a just peace, they want us to surrender.”

According to Saba News Agency, AbdulSalam criticized the role of UN envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths and went on saying “If the envoy continues with these actions, his days are over and we do not put his days aside that he may have decided at the end of this stage to take sides in this way, as we used to from the past envoys at the end of their periods trying to improve their position with the countries of aggression, perhaps to have political gains or other things in the future”.

“The UN envoy has an opportunity if he can exploit it and present a real vision for the project of stopping the aggression, lifting the blockade, introducing humanitarian aid and ending the blockade, or at least issuing a clear position,” he added.

The head of the national delegation also confirmed that the accusation of the UN envoy to Sana’a to delay the payment of salaries was a clear fabrication, this is his position he is participating in the blockade against Yemen.

AbdulSalam noted that six years of aggression had proved to the Yemeni people, politicians, and free national forces that the only option is to confront the aggression. “These initiatives demonstrate that we are keen to encourage the parties, including the countries of aggression, to reach a serious peace,” he said.

He said the army and popular committees have achieved a historic achievement for the Yemeni people, who have recorded the greatest heroism, sacrifice, and redemption. The Yemeni people have made the aggression and blockade an opportunity to build strong military capabilities that protect the country’s security and stability, AbdulSalam said.

He explained that the efforts don’t the world know? What is happening in Yemen ended, stressing that handling with Sanaa by the international community is credible and appreciated.

AbdulSalam pointed out that the national delegation communicates with all parties, including the countries of aggression, including America and Britain. “We sit with them not in the framework of dependency or in the context of accepting directives or receiving orders from them, but we sit as a representative representing the Yemeni people”, he added.

He stressed that the siege on the Yemeni people is a war crime that can never be tolerated and is no different from the crime of aggression.

With regard to the position of Oman, the head of the national delegation explained that Oman was one of the first countries to stand against aggression and stated that war could not serve peace and stability, considering the Sultanate of Oman a model for a neighboring country that does not have a harmful agenda against the Yemeni that is harmful to the Yemeni people and does not interfere in their sovereignty.

“Russia can play a positive role in the Yemeni file, but we think there is a problem that the Russian side in its reading of the importance of what is going on in Yemen or its reflection on it,” he said. “The Russian position, especially in the last two years, is better than in the past, and we have exceptional contacts, especially with Russia, and we are exchanging many relevant ideas that have to do with Yemeni affairs, and if this development in the Russian position continues, it will be positive and will serve stability and peace in the region,” he added.

The Head of the National Delegation stressed that Russia, with its relations and presence in the Security Council, is capable of putting forward many ideas regarding the creation of new international resolutions for Yemen imposing an end to the aggression and the blockade.
