Hamas thanks Ansarullah for its dedication to Palestine

Al-Thawra Net

The head of the Political Bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, has on Saturday praised the “great and constructive stances made by Yemen’s Ansarullah movement in supporting the Palestinian cause.”

In a letter written to Ansarullah’s Political Bureau, Haniyeh pointed out to the dangerous escalation by Zionist entity to annex the West Bank, al-Quds, and the Jordan Valley, in a flagrant violations of the Palestinian people’s rights, its lands and its sanctuaries.

Haniyeh called on all Arabic and Islamic nations, and on the free people to stand against the Israeli criminal escalation and to defend the Palestinian cause and the Islamic holy places.

In a response to the letter, the Political Bureau of Ansarullah affirmed its constructive stance towards the Palestinian issue as “the central issue of the nation” and affirmed its ongoing support for the Palestinian resistance against the Zionist occupation.

The Ansarullah Political Bureau renewed its readiness to conduct a swap to release Saudi pilots and soldiers in exchange for Riyadh freeing the Hamas members it is holding imprisoned in Saudi jails.

Ansarullah called on all political components, parties and popular bodies to play an active and influential role in backing and defending the Palestinian issue at the local and international level, considering that “ignoring the Palestinian issue is collaboration with the Zionist entity.”