Islah Party’s leaders, military commanders defect from Saudi-led coalition

Al-Thawra Net

The capital Sana’a received on Thursday a new batch of Islah Party’s leaders and military commanders, who announced their withdrawal from ranks of Saudi-led coalition and Hadi’s forces and returned home to confront the coalition and its ambitions.

Deputy Speaker of the Shura Council, Mohammad al-Bukhiti, posted on his Twitter account photos gathering him with Colonel Fawaz Muthanna al-Jabri, an officer in the reserve forces of Hadi’s government in Marib province.

Al-Bukhiti, spokesman for the National Reconciliation Committee, said that he received four members of the Islah party, three of whom were officers in the 314th Brigade in Marib, and the fourth of the 163rd Brigade in Shabwa province.

The return of these officers comes three days after the return of Sheikh Mohammed Ali Amer al-Khuza’ei, a leader of the Islah party, a member of the local council of al-Taizyyah district and a Colonel in the so called “Soqor Brigade” in Marib.

The withdrawal of political and military leaders from the ranks of the coalition and Hadi forces continues successively after discovering the falsehood of the goals declared by the coalition and that it only seeks to implement its own ambitions agenda in Yemen as the returnees said.