Leader of the revolution: Preventing Hajj is a major crime on one of the pillars of Islam

Al-Thawra Net

The leader of the revolution Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi congratulated the Yemeni people, the Army and Popular Committees, the Arab and  Islamic nation on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha.

The leader of the revolution said in a statement, that this Eid came amid at great events that our nation is going through, stopping the pilgrimage this year is the most important action and turning it into a symbolic occasion.

Sayyed Abdul-Malik stressed that restricting the Hajj to the presence of a very limited number and from only one country is a clear violation. He said, “Preventing Muslims from Islamic countries from Hajj this year is an illegal action “.

He pointed out that this action is a major crime, and a clear felony on a great pillar of Islam and on the Sacred House of God, the holy places and the Islamic nation.

The leader of the revolution stressed that the Saudi regime’s resumption of many activities and preventing pilgrimage reveals its contempt for Islamic rites with the enemies of Islam.

The leader also affirmed that this felony against Islam and its rituals is the one of a series of crimes of the Saudi regime, including the exposed conspiracy on the Aqsa and holy sites in Palestine, and the oppressed Palestinian people.

He pointed out that among the Saudi regime’s great crimes comes its unjust and brutal aggression against the Yemeni people under American supervision and Israeli cooperation.

Sayyed condemned the Saudi regime’s crime of preventing the pilgrimage and other crimes against Muslims in various countries of Islam.”