Martin Griffiths “involved with forces of aggression,” Abddulsalam says

Al-Thawra Net

The head of the national Yemeni diplomatic delegation, Mohammed Abddulsalam, has on Saturday launched a verbal attack against the United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths.

Mohammed Abdulsalam stressed that the United Nations Envoy has “become involved with the coalition forces on Yemen, and he has contributed to prolonging the absurd war and covering the effects of the unjust siege.”

“From his recent speech, it becomes clear that the UN Envoy has separated himself from his mission and from impartiality and fairness. He has become fully involved with the forces of aggression against Yemen, fully adopting their theses.”

The National Salvation Government of Yemen has become increasingly wary of UN policies regarding the Saudi-led invasion of Yemen, accusing the UN of inaction in the face of continued Saudi aggression and war crimes